Macedonia Foundation Ghana(MFG) AT GLANCE

About Us
The Macedonia Foundation Ghana (MFG) is located in Adidome Ghana, on the East bank of the Volta River in West Africa. Today we are working with 200 needy children in the community. The organization provides support to orphaned, disabled, and needy children in the way of food, school supplies, and moral support during regular visits.
The Macedonia Foundation Ghana’s goals are to support the livelihood of orphans, disabled, and needy children and to ensure that they learn life sustaining skills so as to develop the character necessary to contribute positively to the community as adults. Ghana has a stable democracy, peace, a state run education system, and an established justice system. At the same time Adidome and much of Ghana still struggle with poverty, unemployment, access to clean water, proper toilets and sanitation, good health care, diseases such as Malaria, HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Polio, and keeping children in school.
The Macedonia Foundation Ghana was established in 2005 to help the needy children in the community overcome these challenges. Harry Ahorlu, the founder and president, was born in Adidome and an orphan at six. His own experience led him to return to Adidome to establish the Macedonia Foundation Ghana. The Organization has registered 200 needy children from the twenty four(24) villages making up the community since the organization’s formation.
In the Adidome community the strain placed on many families due to the death of one or both parents is great and many orphans and children of single parents live in poverty and do not receive the support and education they need. The MFG currently extends food and financial support for school fees and uniforms to needy children.
Today the Macedonia Foundation Ghana is working to secure donations of land, goods, and money from within the community and abroad to complete the construction of a dormitory, kitchen, bath, workshops, and off-site farm to house needy orphans, and to offer job training to orphans. The impact of these efforts today will be a better educated, more capable, and better Adidome, Ghana, and West Africa in the future.


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